Gym-Free and Ripped: Weight-Free Workouts That Build and Sculpt [Paperback]

Gym-Free and Ripped: Weight-Free Workouts That Build and Sculpt [Paperback]

Gym-Free and Ripped: Weight-Free Workouts That Build and Sculpt [Paperback]
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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Get Insanity

Get Insanity

Get Insanity

Get Insanity

This is a nuts set of workout DVD's. I am overweight and just shy of 40, but I have dreams of getting back into my pre-marriage body. I decided to seize the day and go for it, and I am not sorry. My muscles are currently screaming, every bit of me hurts. Every day, I both love and dread pushing play on this dvd, because I know what will happen when I do. I will spend 45 minutes gasping, lurching around, heart pounding, sweat running off me like a monsoon, desparately trying to keep up with a workout designed by fitness demigods. Afterwards, when I can catch my breath and pull myself up of the ground, I feel so good it is not even funny. Yesterday when I finished my workout and was talking to my wife, I said "You know what I feel like? I feel like I'm on vacation!". You know, that feeling you get on day 1 of vacation when you have the whole thing stretching before you, when there is a cool drink in your hands and not a care in the world? That's how I feel when my blood is pumping, when my body is sore and I am so proud of myself.

I can't even begin to keep up with this video, but that is ok. I keep my heart rate up, I have a great time, and I try to get a little better every day. I'm not done with the program yet, I hope I have the stamina to keep it up, but for now, this is fantastic.

The DVD's themselves are good, the music is fine, the instructor is incredible and never demeaning. I feel like he is speaking directly to me and he is very encouraging. I am also encouraged when the folks exercising with him can't keep up, because I know that if these very in shape people can't do it, then I am in good company. The rest of the package is fine. I'm on weight watchers, so I'm not using their eating plan. I'm not changing diets midstream.
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Get Insanity